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Walking burn calories - How fast you walk to walking burn calories ?

What is Calorie? 

Walking burn calories - How fast you walk to walking burn calories ?

what we eat No matter; digestion begins immediately after consuming the food. Our food content is broken down into small pieces for saliva. First, we chew it with teeth and make it like paste, then it goes through the esophagus and reaches the stomach. The stomach begins to digest with the help of enzymes and digestive juices. This process can take from half an hour to two hours. Later, the juice of the food is absorbed and mixed with the blood. It is through the blood that the food cells reach the cells in different parts of the body. There are more than 100 million cells in the body. These cells are then digested by the mitochondria in each cell, thereby saving the cells the ability to function and survive. In this way, energy is transmitted to the whole body and this energy is known as calories. Anyone living a comfortable life requires about 1600 calories.

How long you walk to walking burn calories

The calculation will show that adult males and females are able to burn four to five calories per minute at normal walking speed. That is, it is possible to burn like 70 calories in 15 minutes. But it is less than one slice of bread. To really lose weight, you need to walk for at least 45- 60 minutes.

How fast you walk to walking burn calories

is straightforward, the faster you walk, the more calories you burn per minute. Walking slowly can burn up to 3 calories per minute. And walking a little higher would cost about twice as many calories. And if you start running or jogging, burning calories will increase twice as fast. And if you skip walking and start running, the calorie burn rate will increase.

Walking burn calories Tips

Walking burn calories - How fast you walk to walking burn calories ?Walking burn calories We all know how important it is to control body weight to lead a healthy and beautiful life. Excessive weight increases the risk of morbidity decreases performance, as well as keeps you mentally uncomfortable. In a busy life, it is not time for many to go to the regular gym and exercise. But you have to stay fit. Dieting, short workouts, doing it occasionally or while going to the office or walking home on the way back from the office, is something we do walking burn calories. According to experts, if you walk in the right way, you will lose weight. For those who are looking for weight loss, it is important to know if you are aware of what you can do to lose weight. Let's not know the practical ways to lose weight by walking burn calories.

⇒ To walking burn calories get to drink green tea before you walk
The right combination of caffeine and catechins is very effective for burning fat. And if metabolism is right, it takes less time to reduce the extra weight. This is exactly what Green T does. So make it a habit to eat regular green tea before going for a walk.

⇒ To walking burn calories follow 15 thousand steps daily
Download the Step Tracker or Step Counter app on your smartphone. You can calculate the number of steps a smartphone is taking from these fitness trackers. And in many smartwatches, you will get this feature. Walk smoothly at first, gradually raising the step. The faster you walk, the more calories you will spend per minute. This will reduce the weight of the extras faster.

⇒ To walking burn calories Make it a habit to walk for 5 minutes 20 times a day
Instead of walking a long distance at a time, walk three times twenty minutes. Simply put, you need to walk three times a day, like eating three meals a day. Excess calories burned in the walkway after eating every day. In addition to losing weight, your sugar level will be in control.

⇒ To Walk burn calories Take a break in the walk 
Nothing works in a consistent way. You can take a minute break after a short walk to cut the trance. It will return to the body again. Take a break and start walking again. Studies have shown that walking with such breaks results in 20% faster fat burning.

⇒ To Walk burn calories don't say sugar-rich drinks
Many have the habit of eating milkshakes, fruit juices, soft drinks during or after a walk. It can be a waste of your entire effort to walk. Because to lose weight you should burn more calories than the amount you eat. The calories you intake through Chinese food may not be able to burn the walk. So don't always say these drinks.

⇒ To Walk burn calories exercise along with walking
If your body adapts to a certain form of walking, walking the same distance every day will reduce your calorie burn as our body adapts to the habit in a very short period of time. There is no reason to worry, you can run a little with a walk or do some yoga. Weight loss or play a little badminton along with a walk to cut the treadmill. This will reduce your excess fat, and keep you healthy.

⇒ To Walk burn calories Drink enough water
Drinking enough water will speed up the weight loss process. Drinking 1.5 liters of water daily will burn 3 calories a year. Be sure to drink at least 3 glasses of water a day.

⇒ To Walk burn calories you can walk up and down 
If you notice that when you walk down a hill or on a high road, you get tired and your heartbeat goes up. Do you know that your muscles are well organized? Make a habit of slowly climbing uphill, stopping slowly for a while. Walking just a little bit more often costs about twice as many calories.

⇒ To walking burn calories Change the mode of walking

Bring diversity in walking at the same pace. Walk slowly for a while, then walk up the stairs for a while.

⇒ To walking burn calories Challenge yourself

Now everyone has a smartphone in hand. Some smartphones have a built-in fitness tracker. It shows how much you walked in the day. Challenge yourself, that you will walk ten or fifty more steps today than yesterday.

⇒ To walking burn calories Do another exercise in between
After walking for a while in the park, stop by for some other exercise, such as push-ups, squats or planks.

⇒ To Walk burn calories Use the stairs, not the elevator
Make it a habit to climb the stairs instead of the elevator at the office or home. Whatever you are doing to reduce fat, this one little step will do you a great deal.

⇒ To Walk burn calories Walk listening to favorite songs 
Get out to walk, but can't find a partner? No problem, make music your friend. How to escape exhaustion if playing favorite songs. The lively playlist will keep you motivated and loneliness will be cut. Don't even understand how far you've walked in listening to music on earphones! Both the walking speed and walking time will increase.

However, Walking is not enough to follow the rules. Even if you do not lose weight after walking for some time, you must make changes to your physical activity plan. In this case, first of all, be aware of the nutritional value of the food as well as the walk. Think about what to eat and what not to eat. It may also be that you are not fully aware of your physical problems. Consult a doctor The doctor may be able to help you identify the problem.

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